[Tigers] Tracing back a Tiger

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Thu Mar 12 12:25:55 MST 2009

On finding previous owners you can  try working your way back through various 
motor vehicle depts.  You will  find that some states can go back into the 
60's while others don't have records  beyond 20 years or so.  In the ones that 
do have records they might require  you to complete a form and pay a small fee 
to dig into their archives.  The  last I knew Florida, for example, was quite 
good. It took about 30  days. I used to have to search mobile home titles 
(same dept, same method)  and they got back into the 1960's for me.  
    Florida asked for previous owner,  title number (vin), year of vehicle 
and tag (plate) number.  They could  often trace records using just one of these 
items, but it seemed to increase the  chances of success if  more information 
could be  given. 
    Some very strange things can happen  to ownership/title information over 
the years.  You can almost be positive  that somewhere in the US there is 
Tiger titled as a Ford or Chevy.  Mine  was titled as a Rootes.
I tired searching my Tiger through Ohio (think that  was it) and was told 
there were no records beyond  20 years. 
Mark L

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