[Tigers] Rootes Group Employee

Stu Brennan stubrennan at comcast.net
Mon Mar 9 19:47:45 MST 2009

Isn't it in one of the books, BON probably, that there were a couple
ports of entry for Sunbeams?  I seem to remember Boston being one, and
another one or two south somewhere.


-----Original Message-----
From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net
[mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Marc James Small
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:37 PM
To: Joe Brown; awtiger at cox.net; tigers at autox.team.net;
sunbeamtiger at prodigy.net
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Rootes Group Employee

At 10:27 PM 3/9/2009, Joe Brown wrote:
 >Hmm, my Tiger came from Cliff Meyer Imports in Kenosha Wisconsin.  Any
>relation to H. J. Meyer?  Maybe not.  Are there any interesting stories
>about Cliff Meyer Imports?  >  >This got me thinking.  How did the
dealers get the cars?  Did they come by  >boat to New York and were then
trucked to the dealerships?  >

The US Agency for Rootes was in Connecticut, I 
believe.  The cars came by canoe to New York and 
then by truck to Connecticut for further shipment 
to the dealers.  When I was in grad school in the 
early 1960's, I met some guys who had worked at 
the Rootes agency, whose name I forget, though Curt Meinel would know.


msmall at aya.yale.edu
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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