[Tigers] Woodley Park Brit Car Day

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sun Mar 8 15:45:55 MST 2009


Well, I went to British Car Day at Woodley Park in Encino, CA.  Contrary 
to gloom sayers, it was a beautiful day, with lots of sunshine and 
British Cars.  Jay Leno was there, as well as my son and grandsons.

A lot of cars I once owned over the years, and a good representation of 
Tigers.  (Sound On!")


Funny, didn't see any Alpines.

Met a lot of Tiger Owners we all know of, including Buck Tripple, CAT 
President. and frequent list contributer .

Steve Alcala was there - see Darrell Mountjoy's article "A Long Way Home"

I am sure that many of the "Listers" I met will all post of their 

Got some more pictures of me with the many of the cars I once owned.

The grandkids loved the MG-TC's because their dad is building them an 
aluminum motorized version.  The race-minded one wants a Ginetta (didn't 
see one) but he also liked the Lotus.  It's all my fault for raising my 
son around sports cars.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

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