[Tigers] Kalifornia Kuztomizing at its best and its Green!

Jeff Howarth jeff at v8tiger.demon.co.uk
Sun Mar 8 01:42:26 MST 2009


I have seen pics of this car before, a previous owner obviously had the 
AMT model Tiger on his shelf when he had too many beers one night and 
set to work with the bondo !


In message <000d01c99fa6$6f6ea700$6401a8c0 at your03667082de>, J. Nichols 
<jxnichols at sbcglobal.net> writes
>Here is a car for the Greenies, a propane powered Alpine,  Ebay #
>320347547736.   The wheels look interesting, too bad about the flat tire.   I
>see the car draws a crowd based on the guy in the background checking it
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Jeff Howarth

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