[Tigers] clock

sralsten at ca.rr.com sralsten at ca.rr.com
Thu Mar 5 14:15:06 MST 2009

Hope this link will help. Best online clock info I've found
I've heard the CAT club is about to offer a repo Tiger clock.


Steve R

---- TM <strombecker at telus.net> wrote: 
> I was wondering if any body could tell what the 3030/00 clock for the early
> tigers has on the face.  I know the 3 and the 9 lay down, but what is written
> above the 12 and below the 6.  I am trying to get it right.  I will be
> converting one to quartz and want the right face for 65 tiger, someone is
> doing the lettering.
> Thanks Terry
> strombecker at telus.net
> B9471362
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