[Tigers] Panel Bond

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sun Mar 1 14:15:24 MST 2009


If you mean that the "rockers" (rocker arms) on the cylinder heads, they 
are originally stamped steel, and Ford Part Number C2OZ-6564A.  These 
are under oil film, and should not rust, much less be repaired with 

If, however, you are referring to a body panel part, sometimes called 
"rocker panel", this is just sheet metal, and common to the same model 
year as the Alpine (Therefore not listed in the TigersUnited.com "Tiger 
Supplement Parts List")


Repairs in this area have been from replacement steel stamped panels to 
brazing, leading (sometimes factory original), Bondo, etc.

Some reference articles on TigersUnited.com are:
John Crawley's "The Restoration of PRRROWL"*


*Larry Paulick's "Restoring My 1965 MKI Tiger - A Guide to a Project"*


A really excellent total restoration project by Tom Witt's - *Tiger 
101*, that includes a discussion off Bondo and Panel Repair:


All of these referenced contents can be easily found through the 
"SEARCH" magnifying glass link on every page.

I just used "bondo" for the search.  A very handy tool for a LARGE 
content of data.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Rollright at aol.com wrote:
> Hello, 
> The last time (2000), I had my Tiger stripped to bare metal and  painted, the 
> tin worm had eaten into new rockers installed in 1979.
> On the recommendation of the body shop, an Owens Corning (I believe)  
> adhesive was used to patch in the new metal instead of welding. His point was  that 
> welding flux, like rust, never sleeps. I can tell you that so far, it has  
> worked perfectly. The advantage is that you can rust-treat the edges and faces  of 
> the new metal and patch it in. Claims are "as strong or stronger".  Warranty 
> is "life-time". Of course, not having read the fine print, is that me  or the 
> car?
> Anyway, there is more than one way to "skin a cat"................
> Best regards,
> Jim Armstrong
> **************

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