[Tigers] Heater control
Buck Trippel
BuckTrippel at Verizon.net
Sun Jan 18 10:38:00 MST 2009
I spoke with Doug today. He is closing his "Tiger Auto" business but will
continue to work on Tiger's "as a hobby". He'll be at the same location
which he plans to use as a "clubhouse" for members of the various Tiger
clubs. Club members will be able to work on their Sunbeams or just hang out.
He doesn't want to make a profit; he just wants to break even. He even plans
to sell many Alpine and Tiger parts "at cost".
As to the heater control faceplate, he likes to send in batches of about a
dozen for restoration and silk screening. He has about ten collected already
so he's close to running the batch. He charges $25 to $35, depending on
condition. So now is a great time to send him faceplates if you want a quick
turn around.
His old Tiger Auto phone number (937 252-3317) will be disconnected and he
doesn't currently know what the new number will be.
Buck Trippel
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Michels" <mmichels at socal.rr.com>
To: "Ronak, TP (Timothy)" <Timothy.Ronak at akzonobel.com>; "James E. Pickard"
<geowiz.sgy at cox.net>
Cc: "Tiger News Group List" <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Heater control
> That was Doug Jennings of TIger Auto in Dayton Ohio. I'm told that Doug
> has retired and closed the shop, so perhaps he sold out the inventory.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ronak, TP (Timothy)" <Timothy.Ronak at akzonobel.com>
> To: "James E. Pickard" <geowiz.sgy at cox.net>
> Cc: "Tiger News Group List" <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:49 AM
> Subject: [Tigers] Heater control
>> James,
>> There was a fellow at the Tigers united in Big Bear that redid these on
>> an exchange basis. They looked PERFECT. Unfortunately I do not recall
>> his name but he was one of the guys that had a vendor table and my old
>> brain won't recall his name although I can see his face plain as day
>> .... Any one care to help us out ... he was in the back left corner of
>> the vendor room and as I recall he had nice Aluminum Rads as well..
>> Best Regards,
>> Tim Ronak
>> Services Consultant
>> Akzo Nobel Coatings, Inc.
>> 23961 Via El Rocio
>> Mission Viejo, CA 92691
>> PH: 949-305-5393
>> Cell: 949-289-3357
>> FX: 425-955-6268
>> Email: timothy.ronak at crna.akzonobel.com
>> <mailto:timothy.ronak at crna.akzonobel.com>
>> Personal Email: timronak at cox.net <mailto:timronak at cox.net>
>> If you received this message in error please inform the sender and
>> delete the message.
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