[Tigers] Paul Breuhan's Site
Rob Bernardino
crbernardino at mac.com
Sun Jan 11 20:29:17 MST 2009
I have been drooling over your website - well done. What happened to
the fender vents you had planned. I have been contemplating a design
similar to Aston Martin's centered around the Tiger script.
PS Don't apologize for being on a Mac. Like a superior car, I prefer
working on a superior computer.
Rob in CT
1966 Mk1A Tiger
B382000262 LRXFE
Color Code 39: Carnival Red
On Jan 11, 2009, at 10:19 PM, Paul R. Breuhan wrote:
> Steve,Some times my messages get garbled because I am on a Mac and I
> forget to
> change the Microsoft Email Editor...so here is the message
> again...hopefully
> readable.
> Paul
> Duke,I made a pair of "Super Tiger" jackets up using a couple
> vintage Cobra
> Jackets I bought off Ebay. It took me a bit to find them in white
> (to match my
> car) and in nice condition.
> My thought was to base the jackets and patches on Ian Garrad's idea
> of a fully
> equipped Super Tiger.
> The Super logo is then played off of Chrysler advertising of the late
> 60s...specifically their Super Bee....since my car is one that came
> with the
> pentastar on the lower front fender.
> On one arm I then have the American flag with the Ford patch (both
> from the
> jacket originally). And a custom designed Rootes Chrysler patch
> along with
> Union Jack flag on the other arm. Kind of an American
> engine...British car
> statement.
> Pictures can be seen here...
> http://www.breuhan.com/SuperTigerJacket.jpg
> http://www.breuhan.com/SuperTigerJacketPatch.jpg
> Good luck with your jacket and post some pictures when completed.
> Paul
> ________________________________
>> Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 19:06:19 -0800
>> From: SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
>> To: prbreuhan at hotmail.com
>> CC: wsamouce at kc.rr.com; tigers at autox.team.net
>> Subject: Paul Breuhan's Site
>> Tigers,
>> Tried to get to the jacket patch pic, but went to the Main Page:
>> http://www.breuhan.com/
>> And perused the Tiger Section. Lot's of neat pics, and info. Good
>> work and info.
>> 2006 "Battle of the Brits" has a picture of a Lotus which was in this
>> mornings news as the "in development" electric car Chrysler say they
>> are planning. Yeah, Tesla is already doing it on a smaller version,
>> but it's neat. Not the first time Chrysler was involved with the
>> Brits.
>> I bought Paul's 2009 Calendar, already printed, and it is very nice.
>> Thanks Paul Breuhan.
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