[Tigers] More Toploader discussion - basic orientation - Tiger and Non-Ti...

Peter Laurinaitis laurin212 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 10 22:52:46 MST 2009

i just had dan rebuild me a wide ratio toploader.  sitting in my hallway 
foyer right now in a plastic crate.  wont know how good a job until i 
install it, but darn, he works fast

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cullen McCann" <cmccann at lwpb.com>
To: <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] More Toploader discussion - basic orientation - Tiger 
and Non-Ti...

> Wow, I just called and talked to Dan williams and got more information in 
> 90
> seconds than I've ever had in my life.....that was incredible....I dont 
> even
> know what he said!! anyway he definitely is the man with the info....holy
> smoke. That guy just erupted with info....he's sending me information in 
> the
> mail and says he has some literature that will tell me everything I need 
> to
> know...thats a start, at least with top loaders....now if I just knew what
> these other transmissions are...  ;)

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