[Tigers] Hard top hooks for soft Top

Ronak, TP (Timothy) Timothy.Ronak at akzonobel.com
Wed Jan 7 12:32:15 MST 2009

Well it seems my Mk1A has a little different hook for the soft cover
retainer as my roof does not have those little brackets ... My soft top
hooks into a long angle shaped piece that retains the convertible top
and the Top Body seal along the back edge of the roof rear edge just
above the deck lid.

Best Regards,

Tim Ronak

Services Consultant

Akzo Nobel Coatings, Inc.

23961 Via El Rocio

Mission Viejo,  CA 92691

PH: 949-305-5393

Cell: 949-289-3357

FX: 425-955-6268

Email: timothy.ronak at crna.akzonobel.com
<mailto:timothy.ronak at crna.akzonobel.com>

Personal Email: timronak at cox.net <mailto:timronak at cox.net>

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