[Tigers] Retro-fitting fresh air vents

James E. Pickard geowiz.sgy at cox.net
Fri Feb 27 22:49:22 MST 2009

I've successfully cut the holes for the fresh air vents without screwing up
the new paint job.  Now I've got a few questions before proceeding.

1) According to the instructions I downloaded from TigerEngineering.net,
"Install the rebuilt vent housings into the shells and rivet them in place as
described in last months Tip".  And where would I find that?  The rivets can't
look that pretty.  Any other ideas?

2) Where do the drain hoses go?  A photo would really help.

3) Just to satisfy my curiosity, the Series V lower dash has a vertical flange
on the passenger side end.  It is lacking on my car.  What is it for?

4) Unrelated to any of the above, should the JAL tag and the screws holding it
be painted the same color as the body?  I assume so, but when I got mine it
was just covered with red primer.


Jim Pickard
B9473298 ('65 Tiger)
AN5L/12109 ('59 Sprite) - sold
2003 Mini Cooper
Lafayette, LA

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