[Tigers] It's not an Oil Leak

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Mon Feb 23 14:04:20 MST 2009

Steve R. Tigers, and DJ,

Let's pay the proper homage to the British cars and Motorcycles as well.

When a Triumph cycle dealer was asked why the new display bike had oil 
drips on the showroom floor, he responded:

"Of course it does!  How the bloody h-ll would you know if it has oil in 

That is probably why my 1954 Jaguar XK had a 14 gallon sump!



Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

sralsten at ca.rr.com wrote:
> I've always called it automatic oil change. I just keep pouring oil
> in and never have to drain it out. Also available on many
> American and Japanese cars.
> Steve
> ---- DJoh797014 at aol.com wrote: 
>> British automobiles do not leak oil.  Its called 'controlled  seepage'.

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