[Tigers] pulley

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sun Feb 22 16:17:41 MST 2009


The Sunbeam Tiger Parts List < 
http://www.tigersunited.com/resources/parts_rs260/FactParts.asp >

List the original parts as:

Crank Pulley - C4JZ-6312-A**

**and the Water Pump Pulley -  C4JZ-8509-A

You are correct, but I can't vouch for the C2 numbers.

Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

 Ron Fraser wrote:
> Bob
> 	Thanks for the measurements.
> 6 1/8 = 6.125"
> 5 7/8 = 5.875"	Close enough to the 6.1" and 5.8"
> Crank pulley, _*C4JZ-6312-A*_; C2OZ-6312-A appears to be the base Ford part
> number here.
> Water pump pulley, _*C4JZ-8509-A*_; C2OZ-8509-A appears to be the base Ford part
> number here.
> Ron

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