[Tigers] Anderson Accurate Ackerman Angle kit

Randy Smith RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Sun Feb 22 09:41:58 MST 2009


I got a copy of these instructions from Ramon (Thanks Ramon!) just to 
see how this kit worked.  Pretty complex linkage system.  So my question 
is, does anyone know anyone who actually installed one of these and if 
so, how well did it work in terms of correcting the Ackerman angle?

Just curious- Randy

Ramon Spontelli wrote:
> A couple of weeks ago, I got a phone call from Buck Trippel.  He wanted to
> know if I knew anything about the old Lou Anderson/C.A.T. Ackerman Angle
> steering kit.
> Yep.  I bought one, and never installed it.  It was buried out back in one
> of the sheds. I told him I'd dig it out whenever I was excavating something
> out of that corner of that shed and keep it handy if he ever wanted to come
> over and have a look at it.
> Then, over the next week or so, I started seeing questions about the kit on
> the list, so there must be something more than Bucky's curiosity going on
> here.  It was a nice clear/dry day today, so this morning I went to the shed
> and dug it out. It's a good thing, too, cause-true to its heritage-the
> vintage 1977 staple on the installation instructions had nearly succumbed to
> the rust worms!
> Anyhoo, after dinner this evening I scanned the instructions, took a couple
> of photographs, pasted it all into a Word.doc, and converted the thing into
> a .pdf file.
> If you want a copy of the .pdf file, just let me know:
> rspontelli at earthlink.net
> Ramon

Randy Smith
34752 Charles Town Pike
Purcellville, VA  20132
540-668-6253 fax

InnerQuestOnline.com <http://www.innerquestonline.com/>
RSSmithIQ at cs.com
Tiger- B382000189

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