[Tigers] expansion tank

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Tue Feb 17 11:48:11 MST 2009


In the early 60's I went to the Palm Springs Road Races, and stopped by 
a Concours. There was a very pretty Jag XK 120, like I had owned, with 
the hood up.  A great deal of time and effort went into making the 
engine compartment like a jewel box.

He had even stripped the black paint off the radiator, and polished the 
tanks.  I was beautiful.

However, there is a reason that manufacturers use a black finish on hot 
surfaces.  That is "thermal radiative emissivity".  The Jag was designed 
for the cool weather of England, in those days, and had a bad habit of 
overheating in our climate.  That's why the Jag owner complained of 

It is pretty, but not helpful.

A magnet tells me my expansion tank is brass, and the straps are steel.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Tony Somebody wrote:
> Ive mentioned this previously but its worth repeatining in my opinion. Prior to repainting or reworking the expansion tank, you might want to check to see what material was used in its build. I have a few tanks but one is brass. It is work and it isnt as prety as chrom BUT when I polish it up, it looks really good onder the hood- much better than paint. Again, not all are brass and it does require some brasson and elbow grease. Im curious IF other owners have brass tanks too or if they even know???
> TtT

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