[Tigers] Great App

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sun Feb 15 15:33:09 MST 2009


I just downloaded a free app for the "Firefox" free browser (really 
good, if you haven't tried it).
If you don't have "Firefox" you can get it at 

This free app is called "Cool Previews". When you are looking at a web 
page with the browser that has "hot links" to other sites you do NOT 
have to link to the site to see what it is.  As your cursor goes by the 
usually underscored text "hot link" it will give you an option of 
getting a peak at the contents without having to go to the site. 

I find this very handy, and it you already have the Free Firefox 
browser, just link to This Site:


To get it.  No need to leave the page your on to see what is "linked".

P.S.  I like the Mozilla email program, as well, and it imports all the  
stuff from your current browser.



Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

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