[Tigers] [off topic]Reasons I love Ebay

Andy Walker awtiger at cox.net
Fri Feb 13 21:27:25 MST 2009


PayPal did the same thing to me; either I take out their credit card or I 
have to give them my bank account info and continue using the card of my 
choice.  As you intimated, there's no way in hell I'm going to give them my 
bank account info.  I really leaned on the chick I was talking to, and when 
I mentioned the word "extortion," she admitted that even though I would have 
a PayPal credit card, I could still use my regular car just like I had been 
doing.  It seems that when you log into PayPal, before you confirm your 
payment, you can click on "Other Funding Options" and direct the charge back 
to the card of your choice.

So, with that info in hand, I took their credit card (they were anxious to 
give it to me and asked me no personal questions or wanted any sensitive 
info).  Now, whenever I use PayPal, I redirect the charges to my Discover 
card as I always did and that way I'm still adding to my "cash back" deal 
with Discover.  As for PayPal, screw 'em to the ground!!!!  If they want to 
extort our business, the least we can do is take their bait just to appease 
them and then use the crap out of 'em; and that's exactly what I'm doing.  I 
have their card but it's in my nightstand drawer just gathering dust.  Screw 

Andy Walker
Edmond, OK

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <sralsten at ca.rr.com>
To: <Tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 8:15 PM
Subject: [Tigers] [off topic]Reasons I love Ebay

> 1) I get loads of offers like this presented to me as "Good Stuff from 
> Sunbeam"
> http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-1974-Sunbeam-Mixmaster-Vista-225-watts-Mixer_W0QQitemZ180327376745QQcategoryZ20679QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3907.m221QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DDLSKWL%26its%3DK%26itu%3DMBMS%252BUCK%26otn%3D50%26ps%3D48
> 2) I can no longer pay with PayPal connected to my credit card. I have to
> give PayPal my bank accounts or get the PayPal credit card and give up the
> mileage I get with my credit card. It seems Paypal has a spending limit
> that they will let you use unless you let them access your bank accounts.
> Not much chance I'm going to do that.
> Steve
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