[Tigers] fulcrum pins
DJoh797014 at aol.com
DJoh797014 at aol.com
Sat Feb 7 22:34:09 MST 2009
I guess its time to put the word out again. But I'm a bit hampered
in that the power supply failed in my PC and took the motherboard
with it. The hard drive survived, but I have to get an enclosure to get
my files off it. Or I can use my old hard drive as a 40G storage.
All my PICS and articles on the fulcrum pins aren't available until then.
In a nut shell. My friend Dr. Harvey Herro is a well recognized expert
on failure analysis. He's the one who opined 'Every pin, no matter
its composition (steel, hardened steel, titanium, hryptonite, etc) will
fail'. Some have replied that was a stupid statement as everything
has a finite life. Like saying 'Everyone will die sooner or later. He
examined both of the right lower pins that I had fail. One was the
original in stock bushings. The other was a 4140 super strong pin
in delron bushings.
Take it from me. Having a fulcrum pin fail, let alone 2 in my case,
is an experience you don't want.
His suggestion is to have you pins checked microscopically as
well as magnfuxed. Even if they pass, they can fail in a week
without notice. My crack started 7 years ago and kept cracking
until catastrphic failure. Dr Herro said the speed of the failure in
steel probably came close to 600 mph. Or about .0004 sec, q
quicker than an eye blink.
He suggested using the best pin you can afford and to be careful
if you get any odd feeling from the front. He preferred bushing with
poly or rubber in steel sleeves verses delron bushings.
John Logan has come up with a nice 'safety value' that will provide
some measure of safety if a pin breaks. I know he's part of the list
and if he reads this, I'm sure he'll send you a copy of his fix. I
also believe his article in the TEAE archives.
Dr Herro said the Logan fix looks like it may work. But it does
not prevent a pin from breaking. He asks (1) has this fix been
tested in a lab? (2) Has anyone ever done a complete failure
analysis on the A arm and fulcrum pin? Until emperical data
is available, its all one man's opinion against another. I chose to
go with Dr. Herrio. The choice is yours
He also expressed concerns about people coming up with solutions
that look good but have never been tested.
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