[Tigers] On ebay and sniping

Cullen McCann cmccann at lwpb.com
Fri Feb 6 14:53:41 MST 2009

After some discussion with a dear friend and member of the list, it got me
thinking about something in my story, and I should clarify what I meant by my
story about the chap selling the mkII, and how most people wouldn't tell him
what it really is....

I would never stab a friend or a lister or member of the tiger community in
the back over a transaction, or just to make a few bucks, but I think most
would not disclose the details to a stranger or some dude who runs a salvage
yard if they thought they could save some money. Unfortunate as it may be that
is life I think. I think when it comes to friends on the list and such,
hopefully we would be understanding and communicate like when the BON was
being bid on against Buck....and Buck is an understanding guy so it was ok...
maybe whenever nice things come up on ebay we should all tell each other on
the list who's bidding, that way everyone is treated fairly...or we could have
our own little open bidding contest on the list, identity disclosed..  ;)

sorry to rant...im not even sure I know what im talking about.

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