[Tigers] Tiger MK II Investment Bargin

sralsten at ca.rr.com sralsten at ca.rr.com
Thu Feb 5 15:40:36 MST 2009

Sold for $26,800. A very good deal I think. Maybe Tiger prices
not moving up or holding as well as the recent discussions suggested.


---- "J. Nichols" <jxnichols at sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> You may want to check out this Tiger MK II for an investment on Ebay:    Item
> number: 220353131308. If this sells for under $20,000 it will be an
> exceptional buy.  Although, there is a issue with the front end which seems to
> be twisted somewhat from prior accident damage.  The car has a 15/16 shim on
> the drivers side side of the cross member to get the car to sit level.   That
> may take a lot of work to correct without the shim.  Current bid is $16,100
> with one day to go.

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