[Tigers] Tire Size Question
Owain Lloyd
owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 12:07:46 MST 2009
they are available (maybe more so in england and probably australia) since
they were used on other rootes cars such as the later minx. be prepared
for lots of geometry analysis and testing if you make the swap....
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Smit, Theo <Theo.Smit at dynastream.com>wrote:
> How obtainable are the drop spindles these days? Not that I'm keen on
> diving into the front suspension again but it would be a good set of parts
> to have.
> Theo
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Owain Lloyd [mailto:owain.lloyd at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* December 17, 2009 11:53 AM
> *To:* Smit, Theo
> *Cc:* AAAGLASSS at aol.com; sganz at pacbell.net; todbrown at roadrunner.com;
> tigers at autox.team.net; fastsage at cox.net
> *Subject:* Re: [Tigers] Tire Size Question
> i originally resolved the 16" panasport contact with the upper control arm
> by using the drop spindles. with an extra spacer in the spring turret the
> ride height is nice. it matches the rear using new springs and a 1" drop
> block.
> i later fitted custom CNC hubs with an offset exactly where i wanted it
> which would also allow stock spindles if desired.
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Smit, Theo <Theo.Smit at dynastream.com>wrote:
>> 15x7 should work even with untrimmed fender lips on the rear of the car,
>> provided your wheel offset is correct. Panasport has a size that is
>> supposed to fit. On the front it's more tricky because there is not much
>> clearance to the front lip on the fender and the lower valence. I am
>> running 16x7 wheels front and rear, but the fender edges are rolled and
>> the lower valence is trimmed to allow all that to work. The critical
>> interference with 16" wheels (on the front) is that the rim inside edge
>> can contact the upper control arm and balljoint as they move through the
>> suspension travel. I used redrilled stock hubs and ended up with about
>> 11/16" or 3/4" worth of spacers between the hub flange and the wheel
>> (which is a 2005 Mustang OEM wheel, 16x7 with 39mm offset IIRC). If
>> you're using 15" wheels then the upper control arm and balljoint would
>> contact the inner tire sidewall if there wasn't enough spacing.
>> Panasport has a 15x6" wheel that has offset compatible with the Tiger
>> but I don't know if it will fit untrimmed fenders.
>> Either way (15x6 or 15x7) you should look for 205/50-15's. You could put
>> 225's on the rear if the wheel offset is just right but you'll need to
>> be careful of the tires rubbing the rear springs on the inside, and the
>> fender lips on the outside.
>> Cheers,
>> Theo
>> ________________________________
>> From: AAAGLASSS at aol.com [mailto:AAAGLASSS at aol.com]
>> Sent: December 16, 2009 6:44 PM
>> To: Smit, Theo; sganz at pacbell.net; todbrown at roadrunner.com;
>> tigers at autox.team.net; fastsage at cox.net
>> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tire Size Question
>> Will 15 x 7 work on a stock Tiger and what size tires would you
>> use front and back??
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