[Tigers] Team Net Forum...
sralsten at ca.rr.com
sralsten at ca.rr.com
Wed Dec 2 11:29:50 MST 2009
There is already a Sunbeam Alpine Owners Forum with a Tiger section.
A Tigers East Alpines East Forum
A California Association of Sunbeam Tiger Owners (CAT) Forum
And of course this list, there may also be others. There are also many non discussion websites
most notably Tigers United and Norm Miller's. I'm very grateful for the
efforts of Tiger owners to save and distribute information but consolidation rather than expansion
of places to look would be nice.
---- drmayf <drmayf at mayfco.com> wrote:
> Mark seems to have been ahead of us all along. He has set up a straw
> horse of a froum web site. right now it does not have Tigeres or
> SAlpines on it but I suspect if you ask nice then it might be added.
> Take a look at the beginnigs... not my cup of tea but a lot of you asked
> for it so maybe this is it!
> http://www.team.net/forums/
> mayf
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