[Tigers] Rust never sleeps

arado7 at sbcglobal.net arado7 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 31 13:22:58 MDT 2009

I have used Waxoyl for many years. I apply it by diluting with white spirits
to a 50/50%. Use a hand spayer. The spirits evaporate and leave a thin coat of
wax. I use it in engine compartment, under panels, doors, boot and chassis. No
rust or corrosion. I refresh every year when changing Mobil1.  Regards   Gary 

--- On Mon, 8/31/09, Rollright at aol.com <Rollright at aol.com> wrote:

From: Rollright at aol.com <Rollright at aol.com>
Subject: [Tigers] Rust never sleeps
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 6:32 PM


I've had my Tiger since 1976 and had the rust cut out and new metal patched
in twice. With the compulsory new paint job. Massachusetts winters.
    In our parts, there have been a number of anti-rust  products with
muffler-shop style sales presentations:
Ziebart, Rusty Jones, Tuffcoat Dynal are just three that come to mind. As 
one of our Listers pointed out, application was a variable that had a great 
effect on the long term outcome.

With today's superbly treated cars, all shops that I know  of have
disappeared. There is no real rust problem with modern cars even in  the salty
winters of our area.

So, that leaves 1) super-specialty body shops that have no  experience in
application and 2) home application. There is a British  product,Finnigan's
Waxoyl, that Gary Fish and I used after we striped our  hard-tops. It is used
to good effect in Britain on even North Sea oil rigs, but  application I
found was a pain in the a**. Dilution and temperature have to be  just so.
Especially temperature. You need to heat up water to put the solution  can in
and occasionally take it out to re-heat the water. And you need to keep  up
heat the applicator hose. Definitely a summer, or heated indoor product. 
But.........it does come highly recommended. The Brits don't seem to use 
anything else.
    I don't know about other home-applied products,  though when I did
research earlier this year, others didn't leap out of  Google.

Hope this helps.

Jim  Armstrong
Mk 1A 382002083
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