[Tigers] Ziebart Or Zierust?

J. Nichols jxnichols at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 30 19:27:45 MDT 2009

"To protect my car I had a professional application of a product
called "ZeeBart".  They actually drilled small holes into enclosed
spaces, like inside the doors, and other chassis areas, and applied with
a wand about 1/8 inch D., and the hole was plugged and sealed after

"Guranteed to never rust from the inside out"

  I've lived in the rust belt all my life and had a few cars with Ziebart.
And all rusted through, some worse than others.  The worst I saw was my
neighbors 1968 convertible Mustang (34,000 miles) that by 1973 looked like
swiss cheese.  Rust had a good start on my  Alfa Romeo Spyder  rear wheel
wells (from the inside out)  that was Ziebarted and I couldn't understand why.
So  I removed the rear upholsery and then could look inside the fender.  Well,
the  trained "professional applicator" drilled the hole in the sills and door
jam but neglected to spray inside the fender or the the sills.   But the frame
still looked good.  Another car I had started to rust around the holes that
were drilled into the sill under the plastic plug that proclaimed "Ziebart".

An unintended  bonus was Ziebart never seemed to dry fully and would ooze out
on to your drive way if the car was left out in the sun.  Ziebart was
successfully sued in the  1980's for making false claims that their product
"rustproof"ed  cars.   The gurantee was nothing special, just refund the cost
of application if the car rusted through.


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