[Tigers] "TAC" 'splained

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Sun Aug 30 17:22:18 MDT 2009


I had my car TAC'd at an event where inspectors were doing this.  As I 
recall, Tom Hall was the senior inspector, and and had two certified 
inspectors with him.  The car in your question MAY have had a certified 
inspector, but it could NOT have been TAC'd without more official 
inspectors.  The "TAC" (Tiger Authentication Committee 
<http://www.stoa-tigerclub.com/>) statement appears invalid. See the 
STOA web page at the link for an official description and criteria.  
Your questions are answered!

*/Once the Release of Liability is signed, the authentication process 
may proceed. Three TAC inspectors (one of whom must be a Senior 
Inspector) shall examine the vehicle. The inspectors will be identified 
on the Fact Sheet. The inspectors shall examine as many elements of 
factory methodology as they feel are sufficient to reach a conclusion 
about the authenticity of the vehicle.

The OFFICIAL answer is detailed 

http://www.stoa-tigerclub.com/   Under link "Authentication", as well as a list of TAC'd vehicles VIN# and TAC#, and last known location/owner.

AND YES, a genuine Tiger with a Chevy Big Block can be Certified as having rolled off the Jensen Assembly Line" originally.  (Not forgetting those rare South African violets, either.

Here is the complete list at Norman Miller's site:


Hope this helps,


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

David T Johnson wrote:
> This begs the question.  
> If you have a TAC certified Tiger that due to some
> reason must have
> most of not all of its sheet metal replaced, is it still a
> Tiger?  I think
> it should be a 'Rebodied Tiger'  not an 'Alger'.  At what
> point does
> it cease to become a Tiger?  Both fenders replaced, One fender
> both doors?  Untill recently most sheet metal came from donor Alpines.
> Personally I think if it came off the assembly line as a Tiger, its a
> Tiger,
> not matter what clothes its wearing.
> Let the discussion begin again.
> Dave

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