[Tigers] 13" Yokohamas

Larry & Susan wrightsinseabrook at speakeasy.net
Fri Aug 28 14:52:10 MDT 2009

 Jim Armstrong wrote:

<One of the attendees, Gary Fish was out today in his Tiger and in dodging a
 truck, blew a tire. He has Yokohama on, and found out from Tire Rack that
Yoko.  no longer makes 13", and that they only have 2 manufacturers for 13">

Gee, it only seems a couple of years ago I e-mailed Yokohama on the subject
and got a reply that as long as Fiat X1/9's are popular in autocross,
Yokohama will make high-performance 205/60-13's. No idea about the Fiats'
standing today...

Larry Wright

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