[Tigers] Tiger Sheet metal

Jeff Howarth jeff at v8tiger.demon.co.uk
Thu Aug 27 14:42:09 MDT 2009

Hi all,

Randy Willett also has high quality repair sections sent out from the UK 
which may well be the same as the ones at VB.

I have used the same panels in the UK on several cars very successfully.

randy willett <willett581 at msn.com>



In message <000001ca2737$51d81280$f5883780$@rr.com>, Samouce's 
<wsamouce at kc.rr.com> writes
>I called Bob recently to inquire about a steel LAT hood.  He told me is so
>many words that I did not have enough money for him to make me one.
>I recently replaced my front valance with a VB unit.  It was a good fit.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
>On Behalf Of robin02 at mindspring.com
>Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 11:43
>To: Baker,Kent; tigers at autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tiger Sheet metal
>KEnt, I spoke to Bob Martel about five years ago when he was moving away
>from the Sunbeam fabrication efforts. HE was selling some things he still
>had already made but was not doing any more. It was Bob that told me that
>Victoria British had a good supplier for body panels from ENgland and the
>fit was good.   LArry Paulick later confirmed this and I bought ten body
>panels for my car; front and back of each wheel well and the outer rocker
>panels.  THe inner rocker panels were fabricated by my body, paint man.  THe
>fit was good and my car turned out without any evidence of patch panels.  At
>the time, neither Rick not Curt could fill the order. RObin Young
>---Original Message-----
>>From: "Baker, Kent" <kentb at qualcomm.com>
>>Sent: Aug 26, 2009 1:14 PM
>>To: "tigers at autox.team.net" <tigers at autox.team.net>
>>Subject: [Tigers] Tiger Sheet metal
>>I am finally getting to the complete restoration of my MK1a, and am looking
>>for quality sheet metal replacement parts.  Although a Southern California
>>car, it has rust on the frame exhaust pass through and a few pin holes on
>>floorboards immediately above.  The shop doing the frame welding contacted
>>Martell in Ontario, but he is out of the Tiger sheet metal business. I
>>Classic Sunbeam Auto Parts has the exhaust frame patches listed on its
>>sheet, but have no experience (yet) working with them.  Suggestions for
>>sources?  The car is in Reno, Nevada, although I live in San Diego.
>>Kent Baker
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Jeff Howarth

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