[Tigers] Wiper wiring

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Thu Aug 27 13:04:03 MDT 2009


 The Mk I wiring diagram on TigersUnited.com (thanks to Bill Gegg) shows 
the color coded wiring for both the Mk I and Mk II. Both diagrams are 
the same for the wiper. It is intended for two speed operation. Stop, 
Stop, and stop slowly.

They show the Screen Wiper switch (dashboard) to have two output wires.  
One "Brown" going to the #3 wiper terminal, and one "Tan" going to the 
#2 wiper terminal.  There is a black wire shown on terminal "E", which 
stands for "Earth", or "Ground", and a Green wire going from terminal #4 
of the fuses terminal as "+" (or power). This is connected to the 
starter solenoid switch and thence to the battery.  It is a 2 speed 
wiper.  In Lucas terms this means "stop" and "slow".


My MG-TD had a Lucas wiper mounted on the top of the folding windscreen 
frame, with switches on the unit.  It, too had two speeds.  Two "stop" 
positions, and one manual operation.  Of course, after one bump, 
"manual" is the only one that really works (unless you have to shift in 
the rain).

In no case are wires doubled on any Terminal, but Terminal 1 (green) 
continues through a splice to other units.

Since it rarely rains here, I only change the blades when the smog has 
eaten away the rubber blade.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

James E. Pickard wrote:
> I need help with the wiring for the wipers, and the wiring diagram is of
> minimal use.  The diagram shows four wires on the wiper motor: a green wire on
> terminal 1, a red & lt. green wire on terminal 2, a brown & lt. green wire on
> terminal 3, and a ground.  It shows the switch with two unlabeled terminal
> plus a ground.
> Now here is the problem.  I have three wires bundled together coming off the
> motor - one is sort of red, one is sort of brown, and one is sort of green.  I
> plugged the sort of red wire into the red/lt. green, the sort of green into
> the green, and the sort of brown into the brown/lt. green.  The brown/lt.
> green and red/lt. green wires are plugged into the grounded switch although
> I'm not sure which terminals they should be attached to.
> The wipers come on the minute I turn on the ignition and remain on no matter
> what the switch setting.  In fact, the wipers remained on even after
> unplugging the red/lt. green wire from the switch!  I had to unplug the green
> wire at the motor to kill the wipers.  Needless to say, I've got it wired up
> wrong and need help.
> BTW, is this a one-speed or two-speed wiper.
> Thanks.
> Jim Pickard
> B9473298 ('65 Tiger)
> AN5L/12109 ('59 Sprite) - sold
> 2003 Mini Cooper
> Lafayette, LA
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