[Tigers] Overdrive toploader

Thomas Witt atwittsend at verizon.net
Wed Aug 26 12:03:57 MDT 2009

 Yesterday I posted that when I asked about the overdrive Toploaders years 
ago, I go mostly negative replies.  That is accurate.  However, seeing 
John's post reminded me that he was one who did indicate using it and found 
the results acceptable, if not favorable.
If memory serves me correct John lives in Canada (having long distances to 
travel) and tows a trailer with his Tiger. The low 1st gear and the 
overdrive would both be applicable in his case.

> Hi AC:
> I have been running a 30% OD toploader for a number of years - if you want
> more info contact me at:
> alittlemoreink at hotmail.com
> Jc

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