[Tigers] And now for something completely different

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Fri Aug 21 14:46:24 MDT 2009

Steve R., and Tigers

That, Top Gear episode, as is everything they do, hilarious.

Tigers, if you haven't seen this show on BBCA (or have cable/satellite), 
you absolutely should look at all their U-Tube posted programs. The 
British have a way of doing "tongue-in-cheek" humor in an understated way.

The new season began yesterday, and they test drove the "Ascari". Made 
in Great Britain, and named after a famed Italian race driver, Alberto 

For all lovers of very sporting cars and trials, and humor generously 
sprinkled about, this is a "must see". As funny as the Mecum Auction 
antics (who are funny, but don't intend it).

Here is a hot link for 60 episode portions:

YouTube Top Gear 


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

sralsten at ca.rr.com wrote:
> More racing footage as only the Brits could do it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohkAxbeMxVo&NR=1&feature=fvwp
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