[Tigers] SCF74 at monterey video
Smit, Theo
Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Wed Aug 19 15:47:20 MDT 2009
Google to the rescue!
Looks like the combination of period Trans Am competition and Ford
parts-bin homologation (and Mike E's diligence in digging up the correct
parts) really did the Falcon well.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net
> [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Teepen, Jere
> Sent: August 19, 2009 12:07 PM
> To: Sandy Ganz; Theo Smit; michaelking
> Cc: Tiger Talk List Tiger
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] SCF74 at monterey video
> I read about Mike's Falcon and it is the only 1963 Falcon
> with a period history in Trans Am racing, getting in on the
> first year or two of the series.
> With provenance like that it is truly a rare bird!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net
> [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Sandy Ganz
> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:21 PM
> To: Theo Smit; michael king
> Cc: Tiger Talk List Tiger
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] SCF74 at monterey video
> Don't kid yourself the Eisenburg's Falcon is very well set
> up, I'll bet no trouble with brakes either. I have seen the
> black 'sinister' Falcon several times at Willow and it is
> pretty hard core, of course well within guidelines of VARA
> rules and such (hehehe). The car pretty much got the GT350
> treatment that he knows so well how to set up. It is a hot
> car, and it moves, lots more rubber then the tiger too. I
> didn't catch sunday's races but stopped in saturday to see
> Buck and a few others. Excellent time. Morton must have been
> pissed off to get passed in any case.
> Sandy
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Theo Smit <tsmit at shaw.ca>
> To: michael king <michael.s.king at gmail.com>
> Cc: Tiger Talk List Tiger <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 18,
> 2009 9:16:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] SCF74 at monterey video
> michael king
> wrote:
> > I heard #74 had an unlucky weekend at monterey.. this is an incar
> video from
> > a falcon chasing the SCF car.. seesmt o develop a braking issue
> or tyre
> > problem.. either way.. fun to watch it doing weeel before the
> problem..
> > holds of a cobra without to much trouble.
> >
> >
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYm2ITk2R5k&feature=channel_page
> >
> >
> That's
> a great video. That Falcon (and by extension, Buck's Tiger
> and the other cars in that group) is pulling some serious
> cornering G - the datalogger display showed 1.2G in either
> lateral direction. It also shows you how sketchy the
> (1963-vintage) brakes are - he's only getting about 0.6G of
> deceleration. I'm sure that he could do more, but only once
> or twice and then that would be it for the brakes.
> Cheers,
> Theo
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