[Tigers] SCF74 at monterey video

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Tue Aug 18 22:21:07 MDT 2009

Don't kid yourself the Eisenburg's Falcon is very well set up, I'll bet no
trouble with brakes either. I have seen the black 'sinister' Falcon several
times at Willow and it is pretty hard core, of course well within guidelines
of VARA rules and such (hehehe). The car pretty much got the GT350 treatment
that he knows so well how to set up. It is a hot car, and it moves, lots more
rubber then the tiger too. I didn't catch sunday's races but stopped in
saturday to see Buck and a few others. Excellent time. Morton must have been
pissed off to get passed in any case. 


----- Original Message ----
From: Theo Smit <tsmit at shaw.ca>
To: michael king <michael.s.king at gmail.com>
Cc: Tiger Talk List Tiger <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 18,
2009 9:16:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] SCF74 at monterey video

michael king
> I heard #74 had an unlucky weekend at monterey.. this is an incar
video from
> a falcon chasing the SCF car.. seesmt o develop a braking issue
or tyre
> problem.. either way.. fun to watch it doing weeel before the
> holds of a cobra without to much trouble.
a great video. That Falcon (and by extension, Buck's Tiger and the other cars
in that group) is pulling some serious cornering G - the datalogger display
showed 1.2G in either lateral direction. It also shows you how sketchy the
(1963-vintage) brakes are - he's only getting about 0.6G of deceleration. I'm
sure that he could do more, but only once or twice and then that would be it
for the brakes.

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