[Tigers] Washer bottle problem

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Tue Aug 18 20:45:39 MDT 2009

Speaking of Alan Moss, we saw him at the Rolex Monterey Historics last 
weekend.  He was racing his TC along with pre-20's group. 

I knew Alan when he was working in an L.A. garage in the 1950's. His 
partner was Mike Goodman, famous for MG-TC restorations.  Alan's MG-TC 
body was hanging in pieces from the rafters, after painting.

They both worked on my MG-TD

He sold "Moss Motors" a while ago and is now retired.  Pretty energetic 
for his age, and he is only a few years older than I.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Mike Michels wrote:
> You might want to try the smaller one for MGs and Austin Healeys I 
> believe it is available from moss motors. It looks very similar, with 
> "Tudor" logo, but is smaller diameter and shorter length.

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