[Tigers] easy outs
Paul.Tonizzo at sybase.com
Paul.Tonizzo at sybase.com
Mon Aug 17 11:06:54 MDT 2009
I actually don't have this problem - I just wanted a left-hand set of
drill bits.
"Jerry & Maureen \(Mo\)" <JCMC2006 at suddenlink.net> wrote on 08/17/2009
12:58:44 PM:
> Paul,
> Trying to remove an easy out with a drill bit might be a big challenge.
> outs are harder than most drills, not withstanding carbide. You haven't
> said what size the broken stud is; if it's small (like less than 1/4
inch) I
> have had good luck using a Dremel tool with diamond bits (burs) (Harbor
> Freight, like item #36252-1ADH) use lots of cooling fluid. In fact you
> use that super duper penetrating combo of ATF/acetone (50/50 mix) that
> were talking about a while ago. Just don't get it so hot that the
> ignites. HA. That might even make getting the stud out easer also. You
> could also use WD-40; the main thing is to keep the tool cool.
> If the stud is bigger you could still use a bur it would just take
> Good luck
> Jerry Christopherson
> 9473187
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net
[mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net]
> On Behalf Of Paul.Tonizzo at sybase.com
> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 8:27 AM
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Tigers] easy outs
> Do you have a web source for left-hand drill bits? I have never had luck
> finding them.
> thanks,
> Paul
> > From: "Clyde McLaughlin" <clydemclaughlin at verizon.net>
> > Subject: [Tigers] easy outs
> > To: <tigers at autox.team.net>
> > Message-ID: <004601ca1ddf$229c46a0$0201a8c0 at chesapeake4>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> >
> > If any one has these in there tool box through them away, buy a left
> hand
> > set of drill bits, a quality high speed carbide bit will remove it,
> it
> > takes awhile, Clyde
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