[Tigers] Oil

Tod Brown todbrown at roadrunner.com
Tue Aug 11 14:24:19 MDT 2009

Some time ago, I became aware that the lack of ZDDP in contemporary oils 
could be a problem for older engines like those in Tigers.  In doing 
some investigating and, in particular, talking to the folks who make Red 
Line Synthetic Oil, it seems that the problem occurs at the beginning of 
break-in.  According to Red Line, you should use an oil with the usual 
amount of ZDDP from back in the day when breaking in the engine or use 
an additive as has been mentioned.  After 3000 miles (i.e. when the 
rings, cam and tappets are sufficiently broken in), it is my 
understanding that it is OK to use a contemporary synthetic oil or 
whatever.  I just took a look at one of the bottles of Redline 10W-30 I 
have been using since my engine was broken in and there is a statement 
to that effect on the container.  However, there seems to be some 
disagreement on whether it is necessary to continue to use oil with high 
ZDDP content after break-in, so I'd like to hear from anybody who has 



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