[Tigers] Oil

Tony McNulty bamcnulty at optonline.net
Mon Aug 10 20:01:26 MDT 2009

Folks:  Here's the Google result for the topic.  Royal Purple ZDDP gets 
about 15,000-plus hits.  Just looking over the topics gives a wealth of 

Results 1 - 10 of about 8,450 for motor oil ZDDP. (0.14 seconds)

Tony Mc

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DJoh797014 at aol.com>
To: <huffb at southslope.net>; <tigers at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Oil

> Brad
> Back on the list again.
> This was discussed several times. The synopsis:
> 1. Modern off the shelf oil have reduced ZDDP because it destroys
>   the catalyst coverter  This also causes excessive wear  and
>   early failure of the camshafts and lifters. Starting a  newly
>   rebuilt engine without the ZDDP will cause problems.
> 2. This may also apply to Mobol 1 and other synthetics
> 3. Shell Rotella oil used with diesels has the necessary ZDDP
>    but Shell is reducing the amount.
> 4. GM sells an additive that contains the ZDDP for their older
>    performance engines.  I've seen it at  Walmart.
> My advice
> 1. Use Mobol 1 with the GM ZDDP additive
> 2. Use ShellRotella
> In a message dated 8/9/2009 8:29:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> huffb at southslope.net writes:
> What  brand and type of oil are you guys with solid lifter cams using? 
> I've
> heard  that there are issues with today's off the shelf  brands.-Brad
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