[Tigers] Three New England Events for the Summer/Fall

Stu Brennan stubrennan at comcast.net
Sat Aug 8 19:27:50 MDT 2009

Here are three New England events to finish out the year.


August 23:  The Race of the Century at the Collings Foundation in Stow,
MA.  The entire collection of cars and aircraft housed at the site will
be on display. Cars and aircraft from their collection, and perhaps some
real horsepower, will participate in a series of "races" to demonstrate
the various stages of the advancement of transportation technology.
>From the Collings web site:


Race of the Century
August 22nd and 23rd 
Stow, MA 
Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 

An extraordinary event that pits some of the greatest technological
advancements in air and ground transportation against each other in a
series of "races" 

Exhibits and displays throughout the event. The entire Collings
Foundation collection will be open for viewing. Races start around 1:00

Entire Facility Open Daily: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Gate Fee: $15 Adults / $10 Children
This is a public event. No reservations are needed.
(Line up of events subject to change)

See my pictures from last year at:


For more information and directions, see:


It's probably best to get there around lunch time.  We'll try to get
together for lunch around noon.  They had food there last year, not so
great, so you might want to bring a picnic lunch.  I'll contact them and
see if they will let us park along the tree line again.  


The handful of us who went last year had a great time, so plan on
joining us.  Please RSVP to me if you are planning to go.



Labor Day Weekend:  The Lime Rock Vintage races.  Always a great show,
sometimes with a Sunbeam or two on the track (No guarantees, of
course!).  The parking lot is a car show in itself!  Saturday and Monday
the action is on the track, and Sunday there's a huge car show.


October 3-4:  Plan on heading "Downeast" to Tod Brown's two day Midcoast
Maine Two Day gathering.  Lots of great food, touring along the scenic
coast, decked out in its fall beauty, and a stop at the Owl's Head
Transportation Museum for their Foreign Car and Antique Aircraft
festival.  Tod's event has been growing every year, and is tons of fun.


But wait, there's more!  This exact area will host the 2010 TE/AE
United, so you will be able to preview the region a year ahead!  The
United organizers will be there with information, discussing their ideas
and soliciting more, and yes, looking for volunteers. 


Come one day or both!  You won't regret it!


For information, contact Tod Brown at:
<mailto:todbrown at roadrunner.com> todbrown at roadrunner.com

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