[Tigers] Headlamp Flasher

Larry Paulick lpaulick at comcast.net
Fri Aug 7 08:01:55 MDT 2009

 From a 1996 email from Norm, the following are part numbers for the 
headlight flasher.

Also, and more important, Electrical Expert Theo Smit, provided a wiring 
diagram for the headlight flasher system, with relays, to provide the 
proper electrical circuit for a high energy demand on the wiring system.



John Hess forwarded your cry for help.  The Lucas part number for the
European turn signal switch is 34981-E.  I have also found 34981-D and I
have a box which is marked 34982, but I'm not sure it carried the proper 

Hope this helps,


Steve Laifman wrote:
> Bill,
> Here is the direct quote from the Factory Workshop Manual (pp 26):
> Headlamp flasher switch (if fitted)
> http://www.tigersunited.com/resources/wsm/wsmN26.asp
> */"The direction Indicator switch also incorporates the switch for 
> flashing the headlamps, this is achieved by moving the lever stalk 
> towards the steering wheel and in so doing an Insulated spring-loaded 
> plunger, operated by the Inner end of the lever, is depressed to make 
> switch contact so that both headlamps Illuminate and will
>  remain so until upward pressure on the lever is released. When the 
> lever is released the switch will return to the OFF position under the 
> influence of its spring and the headlamps will extinguish.
> Headlamp flashing can be accomplished irrespective of the lever 
> position, i.e., whilst using either direction Indicator.
> When the headlamp flasher system is functioning correctly, each 
> application of the switch lever in the upward direction will illuminate 
> both headlamps.
> Should either headlamp fall to illuminate a check is to be made to 
> ensure that the connections to the headlamp are secure, if on inspection 
> the connections are found to be satisfactory the lamp unit is to be 
> changed for one which is known to be serviceable.
> In the event of both headlamps falling to illuminate when the switch is 
> operated, the circuit from the switch to terminal I on the fuse unit is 
> to be checked. If after test the switch is found to be defective, it 
> must be renewed as the switch is irreparable."
> /*
> http://www.tigersunited.com/resources/wsm/wsm1.asp
> and the Electrical Wiring Diagram(s) (Bill Gegg) are at:
> http://www.tigersunited.com/resources/wsm/wsmN35.asp
> Although I can't seem to find the light horn on either the Mk I or Mk II 
> page.
> There is no apparent part numbers in the "Tiger Parts List Supplement", 
> as only Tiger peculiar parts are listed and the rest are in the Alpine 
> Parts List.
> http://www.tigersunited.com/resources/parts_rs260/FactParts.asp
> Steve
> ___
> Steve Laifman
> Editor - TigersUnited.com
> <http://www.TigersUnited.com>
> Bill Rogers Motorsport Memories wrote:
>> Here is a question for the gurus: Have any Tigers ever been fitted from the
>> factory with a headlamp flashing feature operated by the turn signal stalk?
>> This is mentioned under the Electrical Section p26 of the Workshop Manual as
>> Headlamp flasher switch (if fitted) but does not appear in the wiring diagram
>> as far as I can tell.
>> Question two: Has the diameter of the steering column been changed over the
>> life of the design?
>> My Mk1 was outside for a while in Hermosa Beach and the chrome suffered,
>> including the turn signal stalk (Chromed on B9472703).
>> I had heard somewhere that the Volvo switch was interchangeable and had the
>> headlamp flash feature, so I have been looking for such a switch. At SUNI Doug
>> Jennings had a switch with that feature and 6 wires coming out instead of 4.
>> It needed repair with the SS kit, but I bought it and fixed it. However when I
>> tried the install it would not fit because the shaft diameter in my car is
>> 1.65" and the new switch uses a different die casting designed to go over a
>> shafy about 1.3" diameter. The stalk was plastic coated but I cut off the
>> plastic and polished the metal shaft to make it more original looking.
>> BillRo

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