[Tigers] Hokanson's Gear Ratio Calculator

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Wed Aug 5 18:19:08 MDT 2009

Tigers (and Bob H.)

I made a mistake, once. I thought I was wrong, but it turned out I was 
right after all. ;-)

Not having used Bob's excellent Excel Transmission Calculator in a 
while, I thought it wasn't functioning. I so stated in the "Re: [Tigers] 
BW T10's - early Tigers" e-mail response I made to the List.

Well, turns out it works, after all.  When I returned to my Mac 
"Desktop" (default download), I had 15 copies of the Excel file on the 
desktop awaiting me, hidden by the pages I had open. They were 
downloaded by my default desktop download location preference setting.

In typical Mac fashion, double-clicking on the spread sheet icon 
(document) auto-opens the Excel program and the "Calculator".  This 
program is really a beautiful, practical, way to evaluate - with each 
variable able to be changed and examined for result. (Tire Size,

All of 12 of them worked just fine.

If you do NOT have the Excel program, there is a ** free ** "Excel 
Reader" program link in the article (but I don't think the parameters 
are able to be changed in the free "read only" program - I don't know.


"Try-it Mikey, you'll like it!"

If you have never tried this Hokanson program, you will discover just 
how nice it is.  Change tire size, rear-end and tranny gear ratios. (4 
and 5 speed default), rpm, shift gears, and 6 different transmissions - 
OR, select your own tranny and rear end ratios.  Fantastic "What If" 

Thank you, Bob Hokanson.


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

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