[Tigers] Shelby Tigers?

John Crawley alittlemoreink at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 5 12:05:35 MDT 2009

Hi All:

One more unsubstantiated bit to the TIGER story . . .

I was visiting the Miracle of America Museum in Montana about 10 - 12 years
back and I met an old English chap who was visiting from across the pond. He
was interested in my TIGER and I talked to him for about an hour. He said that
he had worked for Lister in the 60s and that he had built the 289s for
Shelbys LeMans Cobras at Lister because Shelby couldnt built engines worth
a sh--! He went into great detail how they bench tested the engines to
destruction and then analyzed the failures and then built new ones with
improvements until they were perfect. I asked about the TIGER 260s and he said
that they were built in the US and that the results showed during the race.

I have no idea if all this was BS or not but it sure had the ring of truth to
me at the time. I wish I had saved his name but I lost his card.


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