[Tigers] Auxillary Light Brackets

Tony Somebody achd73 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 3 21:14:03 MDT 2009

To my memory the brackets where on the table that had CAT parts. he and his
wife won their class in the beautiful factory or something special Alpine. He
is a body man and was against the wall at the near end of the room. The
brackets went behind the bumper bolts and what I recall you used them on both
L and R sides. My memory isnt so good since the heart attack BUT alas, Steve
Acala was his name. Of course I could be wrong but I think they where on his

--- On Mon, 8/3/09, Bill Rogers Motorsport Memories <milward at roadrunner.com>

> From: Bill Rogers Motorsport Memories <milward at roadrunner.com>
> Subject: [Tigers] Auxillary Light Brackets
> To: "Tigers" <tigers at autox.team.net>
> Date: Monday, August 3, 2009, 5:32 PM
> A couple of people at SUNI were
> selling NOS Rootes auxillary Fog/Spot light
> brackets. They are handed and they only had one side so I
> did not buy one.  I
> have not been able to find a set so I may have to make one
> and I need one for
> a pattern. Anyone out there know who was doing the selling
> in Rapid City?
> BillRo
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