[Tigers] Zipper replacement

CoolVT at aol.com CoolVT at aol.com
Wed Apr 29 14:15:14 MDT 2009

Does Robbins also make the cover for the arm rest for  SS?  I got one from 
SS and it was a piece of crap.  The padded portion  on top was about 1" 
narrower than the actual arm rest.  I put it on, but  will replace it when I 
find a good one.
In a message dated 4/28/2009 1:32:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com writes:


Thanks for looking at TU.com first.

These are  "industrial" zippers.  A top shop ought to be able to order 
you the  heavy duty model and sew it on.

As for replacement tonneau  covers:

I do recommend  "Robbins"


and  Sunbeam Specialties stocked "Robbins" (below) @ $279

(pic will  be deleted on the list, but link  works)


Steve  Laifman
Editor -  TigersUnited.com

Robin  Young wrote:
> THe three zippers on my tonneau have failed. I could not  find this 
> on Tigersunited and have looked at several sites  on line for 
> No joy.  Does anyone have a source for  new zippers?  My preference is to
> find nylon to better protect  the top of the B posts.  RObin Young
>  _______________________________________________
Tigers at autox.team.net


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