[Tigers] "Auto-Cruisin' in the Tiger"

Steve Sage fastsage at cox.net
Wed Apr 15 22:16:41 MDT 2009

I installed that exact unit on my Tiger too and had exactly the same 
problem. I solved it but forget the correct switch setting. I'll look 
into it and email the answer tonight as long as I wrote it down, which I 
think I did. Basically, you need to increase the "PPM" setting/switch 
and that solves it. I should have the exact figure in the garage.

Steve Sage

Samouce's wrote:
> Who has installed an Audiovox CCS-100 cruise control per Larry Paulick's
> directions on TigersUnited?
> I have and am having a problem, it will not cruise over 72 mph.  It either
> shuts down or the speed slows to ~72 where it will hold.
> Wonder what the servo switches are set on unit that will let the car cruise
> and any speed.
> Duke
> B382002037
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