[Tigers] Tiger for sale

Steve Laifman SLaifman at SoCal.rr.com
Tue Apr 14 11:51:00 MDT 2009


Tim Ronak, a long time lister, is selling his car.  Here is a 
TigersUnited.com list of his well written, and great pics of his car, 
and it's build progress, and the "hot links" to get to them (also a 
great benefit to those who want illustration of his successful projects, 
but already are "full-up" and your Tiger Collection):

/Tim Ronak

Clearance for Valve Covers 
Tim Ronak has written an article for our site, "Clearance for Valve 
Covers" , which details the firewall modification work necessary for a 
clean job of adding that needed clearance between the valve covers and 
the firewall when non-original valve covers or the thicker aluminum 
heads are installed on a Tiger. The clearance issue is neatly solved in 
a professional manner

A 350 Lunati for a Tiger! 
Tim Ronak has done it again! Now he makes it clear why he put so much 
work into his firewall!, "A 350 Lunati for a Tiger!" , is "chock full" 
of details and great pictures of his Stroker 302 build. Be warned to 
keep a towel handy so you won't drool on your keyboard!

Installing the Camshaft & Heads! 
Tim Ronak continues his series that started with "Clearance for Valve 
Covers", "A 350 Lunati for a Tiger", and now chapter 3 in his saga, 
"Installing the Camshaft & Heads!" , which details the completion of the 
engine! The REST is yet to come. Since these articles are really 
chapters in a saga, they have been joined together at the end of each 
section, and the beginning of the next for seamless reading

Muffler Heat Shield (PDF) 
Tim Ronak contributes another well-illustrated article showing how to 
keep your fuel pump from getting fried by the muffler. Note that this is 
a PDF article and you can download it directly to your computer by 
right-clicking (PC) or CTRL-clicking (Mac) on the link and selecting 
'save link as' on the dialog box.


(If these links don't get translated vorrectly, I'll send them again, or you can use the directory of articles at:


Steve Laifman
Editor - TigersUnited.com

Ronak, TP (Timothy) wrote:
> Listers,
> Please forgive the following ad ....
> Tiger B382000680 is up for sale and the price is $37,500 -$40,000
> depending what the buyer wants as I have a TON of spare bits. It is in
> GREAT running order but could use paint and the drive train is highly
> up-rated and is an absolute Missile to drive and is likely one of the
> fastest Tigers you will ever come across.
> Included Brief list of Upgrades
> 4 - wheel disks (vented front late model Mustang rear) with working
> emergency and dual Master
> 349.6 Cu In stroker with 381 HP and 405 lb ft AT THE WHEELS (Engine
> build up is on www.TigersUnited.com <http://www.tigersunited.com/>
> Performance tuning/Lunati Stroker buildup.

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