[Tigers] Penetrants

Thomas Witt atwittsend at verizon.net
Tue Apr 14 11:35:48 MDT 2009

  I'll have to "brew up" a batch of ATF and Acetone.  Thanks for the tip. 
I'm all for something that is cheap, and works.  Years ago I heard that ATF 
had sperm whale oil in it, - NO more.
Other things about ATF:

1. It is really hard to get out of  your hair.

2. When I was a kid racing slot cars back in the late 60's/early 70's we 
used a mixture of ATF and STP.  Ironically it wasn't a lubricant.  We 
referred to its use as "gluing the track."  This concoction was applied to 
the inside edge of the turns to help the cars STICK to the track! During 
big, sanctioned races the air hung with a heavy mist for hours.  A lot of 
tracks banned its use because of the mess it ultimately left.


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