rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net rfeibusch1 at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 8 17:37:24 MDT 2009

32nd year in the San Francisco Bay Area.....

  SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 2009

And now for something completely different.....

Join your British car friends, once again, for a smashing day at the
Brisbane Marina. Over 200 quirky, classic, and lovable British cars
will once again gather in the Bay Area for our 32nd Annual British Car
Meet.  We have been doing this on the same weekend for over 30 years
and just because the times, they are a-changin,b webll be a-changinb
with the times.

After careful consideration of the present economy, fading
sponsorship, and smaller attendance, combined with the
decentralization of the hobby in general and a number of new competing
Northern California events, we have decided to try something that is
quite like the first British Car Meet held in Palo Alto in 1978.   A
one day FREE event .......... That's right, FREE....

Sunday Parking Lot Show & Tell:

This will be a simple, no fees, no frills, no awards gathering of
British and Arcane car enthusiasts.  We have made arrangements with
the good folks at the Sierra Point Yacht Club to set up in the parking
lots around the club.  As last year, the Yacht Club will be offering
an optional Sunday brunch and coffee.  It all starts Sunday morning at

Sunday Bay To Breakers Tour To Cameron's Pub:

These tours take you over some of the most beautiful roads in Northern
California.  There will be two optional routes; one direct yet still
quite scenic, and another with a backroad component.  We will be
starting tour cars from a staging area by the entrance.  Cars will
leave in small groups between about 8:30 and 10:00AM - The shorter
route should take less than an hour and the backroads route will take
a bit more than an hour...  Cars should start gathering at Cameron's
at about 10:00AM, a combination of early tour drivers and people who
live near the coast.

Directions To The Brisbane Marina:

The Brisbane Marina is located on Sierra Point, just east of the
Bayshore Freeway (101) in Brisbane,  between San Francisco and the SF
Airport/Highway 380. Just take the Brisbane/Sierra Point Exit and
follow the signs to the Marina.

Cameron's Pub is located at 1410 S. Cabrillo Hwy in Half Moon Bay. It
is just south of downtown on the west side of the coast highway.

Information: 310-392-6605  b" e-mail:  <britishcarnetwork at gmail.com>
Website: www.allcarcentral.com/thebritishcarnetwork.html

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