[Tigers] non-Tiger/Carbon Fiber

Smit, Theo Theo.Smit at dynastream.com
Tue Apr 7 15:50:24 MDT 2009

The goodness of carbon fiber or fiberglass depends a lot on the
saturation of the resin into the cloth... Maybe putting the fibers under
tension caused some effect at the microscopic level that prevented the
resin from locking the fibers in place. Or something like that.

Were both panels laid up with the same batch of resin?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: tigers-bounces at autox.team.net
> [mailto:tigers-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of vegaslegal at aol.com
> Sent: April 7, 2009 3:22 PM
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Tigers] non-Tiger/Carbon Fiber
> Hey all.? This is marginally car related and not Tiger
> related at all.? Still, I believe that this should be written
> somewhere where it could be searched.?
> If any of you have young teenagers you're familiar with
> school science fairs.? I worked with my daughter in coming up
> with an experiment that was actually an experiment and not
> building a volcano or reinventing the wheel.?
> We [she] fabricated two identical forms of carbon fiber
> panels.? The only difference between the two panels was that
> one panel was wetted-in on?loosely lain carbon fiber and the
> other was wetted-in on carbon fiber under tension.? The
> hypothesis was that the carbon fiber under tension would be
> stronger/more rigid.
> Curiously, the results were exactly the opposite.? The carbon
> fiber panel with the loose carbon fiber was both stronger and
> more rigid at about 140% of the fiber under tension.? As
> carbon fiber is extremely inelastic and there was only about
> 1/4 of a check less material across the 14" span of the
> panel, I found this quite surprising.? I can only chalk it up
> to that nominal thinness in the panel under tension or an
> inate characteristic of carbon fiber that makes it more
> elastic under tension.
> This is also especially useless information because the
> difficult process turned out to also be the inferior process.?
> Thanks for your ear.
> Bob Nersesian
> B382000975
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