[Tigers] PowDer coating removal

Sandy Ganz sganz at pacbell.net
Tue Apr 7 11:16:24 MDT 2009

Better living through Chemistry (TM)

Well that is sad, I'm going to give it a
try for grins. And yes we are only alive because we didn't know the chemicals
we used were dangerous ;)


Bill Waite <fordlandia at sbcglobal.net>
To: tigers at autox.team.net; Sandy Ganz
<sganz at pacbell.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2009 10:05:42 AM
Subject: Re:
[Tigers] PowDer coating removal

I just tried that (Permatex Gasket Remover)
the other day on a powder coated piece.  Didn't work at all.

But... I can
testify that does work GREAT on painted items as your article said.  Works
better than any currently available paint remover I've found.  I miss the
"good old days" when they sold stuff that peeled off paint easily in layers. 
Of course, the fumes would eventually kill you, too... but we didn't know that
and ignorance was bliss.

Bill Waite

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Sandy Ganz
<sganz at pacbell.net> wrote:

From: Sandy Ganz <sganz at pacbell.net>
[Tigers] PowDer coating removal
To: tigers at autox.team.net
Date: Tuesday, April
7, 2009, 11:10 AM

Found this on
 the web, will give it a try, I have used it
on gaskets and works
well, see how it does on Powder coatings.

easiest and cheapest
way to remove paint and powder coating is with gasket
remover. The product we
use in our shop is Permatex Gasket Remover (item
#80646). It comes in a 12
ounce aerosol can which is more than enough to do
even large projects like
engine cases. It is available from most auto parts
stores. Other products,
such as Zip Strip. paint remover, may also work, but
the Permatex product is
what we have had the most success with.
Simply spray
on a liberal coating to
the part you are trying to strip, and wait 10-15
minutes. Be sure not to get
any on areas that you do not want stripped. Make
sure to wear eye and skin
protection as it can irritate both.After 10-15
minutes, the powder coating
will bubble and peel. Wipe off the gasket remover
and loosened powder coating
with a
 disposable rag. You may need to reapply as
some areas will be missed
the first time. 
That's it! Your part should be
stripped down to the bare
metal. Make sure to wash with wax and grease remover
before you try to
[end quote]
Chemicals to the rescue...
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