[Tigers] Ethenal - E10 Fuel & Old Cars/Equipment

Dan Kuenzi shelbycuda at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 4 07:10:37 MST 2009


I was curious what the groups thoughts were on ethenal based (E10) gas now
found at most pumps here in the Pacific Northwest and impact to our older cars
and yard equipment?

Is it safe to run the E10 blend without damage to your 1970's and prior dated
older cars and/or lawn mowers, etc?

If not safe, what damage and resulting repairs might be required?

Does running E10 change the characterstics on how your older vehicle engine
runs (such as idle speed, surging at cruising speed, change in engine temp,

Or, if you readied your older car to run on the E10 blend, what changes did to

Any good sources on the web that talks about the above?

Finally, where in Snohomish County Wa can one find ethenal free gasoline, for
those that choose not to run the blend?

Thank you,


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