[Tigers] Front turn signal and running light - ballast resistor

Tod Brown todbrown at roadrunner.com
Thu Sep 25 07:20:41 MDT 2008

   I  believe the small bulb plugs in.  Probably when you pull it out, it
   will  destroy  the  contacts  which  are  not  very  substantial, so I
   wouldn't  worry about damaging it.  As to the large bulb socket, it is
   pounded in, as you observed,  and it also probably has corroded to the
   point where separation without damage is unlikely.  I have had success
   with  just  cutting it out and replacing it with a generic replacement
   socket  from the parts store.  One final word of advice - when you put
   them back in, run an extra ground wire to the body.  Without that, the
   ground  is  made  through the long screw that attaches the unit to the
   body and it is not a reliable circuit, again, due to all the crud that
   gets thrown up into that area by the wheels.
   With   respect   to   the   ballast  resistor,  unless  you  are  into
   authenticity,  you can do away with it altogether if you are running a
   Pertronix ignition.  One less piece to go bad.

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